Copyrights are regulated by the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act of 4 February 1994 (Dz.U. [Journal of Laws] of 2006 No. 90, item 631 as amended)
According to acts regulating literary or artistic copyrights or any other similar rights, copying and redistribution of any elements of a website, partially or as a whole, is strictly prohibited.
1. On entrusted materials
The ordering party declares that any materials provided to Lynka Sp. z o.o. for the purposes of design creation are the party’s property and that the party is entitled to use of them. If provided materials violate the copyrights act (i.e. they are property of another party or are used without the consent of the copyrights holder), the ordering party incurs full liability. Lynka Sp. z o.o. has a right to refuse to use the materials provided by the ordering party if there is a suspicion that the materials are not used in accordance with the law.
2. On materials produced by Lynka Sp. z o.o.
According to the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act of 4 February 1994 (Dz.U. [Journal of Laws] of 1994 No. 24, item 83), the design source file is the property of Lynka Sp. z o.o. The ordering party may use the ordered design to print it or may receive it in a non-editable TIFF bitmap format with the resolution of 300 dpi or higher. If the ordering party wants to receive the design source file in order to introduce changes otherwise than by ordering it to Lynka Sp. z o.o., it must purchase copyrights thereto. The cost of design does not entitle the ordering party to acquire source files (i.e. typesetting with the use of electronic imposition software such as Corel, Adobe etc.). Lynka Sp. z o.o. shall archive created designs free of charge, and, if necessary, it shall make it available to the ordering party if there is a need to reuse it for design purposes.
Marketing materials, matrixes, plates, embroidery software and graphic files prepared as visualizations are exclusive property of Lynka and they cannot be distributed or used without our consent.